Manuscript Proposals

Do you have a manuscript of a work you have produced that you want us to consider? If your work falls within the scope of genres and categories covered by White Thread Press (see below) please feel free to complete the form below and submit your work to us for publication review.

Please be as detailed as possible when completing the form to make it easier for us to evaluate and make a more informed decision. Once your proposal is received you should expect to hear back from us within 14 days.

The focus at White Thread Press is on providing works primarily in the English language on a variety of subjects. Subjects covered are Islamic theology and doctrine (‘aqida), Prophetic traditions (hadith), Qur’anic studies, jurisprudence and sacred law (fiqh). spirituality and sufism (tasawwuf). prayers and litanies (adhkar). biographies and history (tarikh), and heresiography. Encompasses both contemporary and classical works including quality translations of the great works of the past, our aim is to provide material suitable for both academics and the general public.